Monday, 30 April 2012

lina izzati

peserta ke3 "giving away! rm1750 to win
semoga niat murni anda dipermudahkan amin....
thanks sebab bagi peluang untuk menambah rezeki ku dan mencuba nasib.saya patut dapat pakej ni sebab saya merupakan bride to be 2012. memang sesuai sangat la dengan syarat yang diberikan. saya merupakan student di tahun akhir yang akan tamat jun 2012 nanti. memang tak lama dah. saya memberanikan diri untuk kahwen after beberapa bulan ja abih study dan nak kahwen bukan nya bajet yang kecil. you pun know that kan?ia memerlukan bajet yang besar! kebanyakan duit2 belanja kahwen bergantung dari my parents and fiance ada la bantu sikit-sikit sebab dont know bila nak dapat kerja.kahwen ni wajib kan. tu yang nak cepatkan mana yang wajib.saya tahu bagaimana kedudukan kewangan saya so saya taknak membazir dan if saya menang pakej ni, i can skip the bajet of photographer immediately. dan kalo korang bagi saya pakej ni, jasa kalian sangat dihargai dan akan daku kenang budi sampai mati. sesungguhnya mengurangkan pengantin punya bajet seperti saya sangat la menggembirakan hati. gambar2 korang sangat lah cantik dan minat hasil seni korang. appreciate your job and art!!lot of loves, lina izzati.p/s: saya takda kisah2 cinta ka kisah2 sedih hanya ada sebab apa saya patut dapat this pakej..hee
bakal pengantin ,menangi rm1750 photography package (all include)for free nih.. ♥
syarat? xde byk syarat pon cuma mestilah berkahwin pd 2012dan karang 1 cerita kenapa anda layak n perlu menang ini.. inbox sy felinna nadea ed fattah,suami Rafie Ramli atau Raffelinna Photography ♥ kmi akn pilih pmenang berdasarkn cerita terbaik!
mudah kan? xyah suh org like2! hadiah ikhlas smpena harijadi suami.. tarikh tutup 27 may :) - 0172039356-jika nk kterangan lnjut.

safia asman 2

macam xsangka masih ada lagi ex tunang yg berhati mulia... doakan kejayaan beliau

thnks utk pnyertaan ke-2 bg "giving away contest"
rm1750 free photography wedding by Raffelinna Photography.. hadiah istimewa dari Rafie Ramli sempena birthday dia ♥ yg berminat nk join.. inbox me or husband ur story, bole bg hadiah kat kakak atau abang atau sesapa gak.. tarikh tutup 27hb and utk wedding 2012 only!
eyh xyah like2 pon xpe just share mngenai... pertandingan ni bg semua yg nk kahwin bole join ..

"happy blated birthday to upcoming dady n congratz in advance to both of you for the upcoming boboi..hehehe..actually, im joining this pown sebab mana lah nak taw kot ada rezeki boleh menang kan..hihihi, lagipown if menang sekalipown this prize not fer my wedding..but more to as hadiah perkahwinan for my ex should this year will be my wedding ceremony with him, tapi..kita hanya merancang ALLAH yang menentukan segala galanya kan..maybe ta da jodoh antara kami..kami bertunang hampir 2 tahun n it should this year kami tamatkan semua neh ke jinjang pelamin, tapi 2 lah..da ta de jodoh..genap je usia 2 tahun our engagement, terputus ditengah jalan akibat ketidakserasian maybe..and after 2month we broke up, dia bertunang sekali lagi dengan insan pilihan hatinya..yes n yes im feeling so bad with that news, but who am i to against takdir ALLAH right, so i terima dengan hati yang terbuka..n once again, ive got a news , yang mereka akan melangsungkan perkahwinan by this 15july2012..terasa tamparan hangat melekat di pipi dengan berita tu..sangat sangat cepat suma neh berlaku..terasa mcm baru semalam kami bersama, n now..he getting married with someone else..tapi what should i do..?? i hanya boleh mendoakan kebahagiaan mereka dari kejauhan saja..yes, mmg sakit n perit..tapi andai itu takdirNYA..tiada siapa dapat merubahnya kan...
n why should i menang this prize..because i juz nak hadiahkan hadiah neh untuk hari perkahwinan mereka nanti..maybe i akan rasa much better, bila tengok org yg kita syg bahagia dgn insan yg dia pilih..even its too hard to adapt it..neh ja yang mampu i bagi kalau i menang this prize...

Sunday, 29 April 2012

mawar ismail

perlu baca! and like and share jika suka!
such a nice,romantic,and sgtlah lah touching nak nangis mak labu baca.. ♥

thnks utk pnyertaan pertama bg "giving away contest"
rm1750 free photography wedding by Raffelinna Photography.. hadiah istimewa dari Rafie Ramli sempena birthday dia ♥ yg berminat nk join.. inbox me or husband ur story, bole bg hadiah kat kakak atau abang atau sesapa gak.. tarikh tutup 27hb and utk wedding 2012 only!
eyh xyah like2 pon xpe just share mngenai... pertandingan ni bg semua yg nk kahwin bole join ..

~god's precious gift~
"hehe....just wanna try my luck with the free wedding fotographers… =) [=)]
hye dearie Felinna n Hubby,
once upon a time there was an ugly duckling girl who always ask Allah swt, why...why are You not sending me a man of my own... ever since high school the only love that i know is one sided love....nobody fell for me as hell yeah there is many more beautiful girls around...i have a lot of beautiful girls around best friends...comparing me to them is like "langit & bumi"....BUT still, i'm happy with my life, i have perfect parents, beautiful n loving sisters...Alhamdulillah....i believe in God's promises... “jodoh ditentukan sedari usia kita 4 bulan di dalam kandungan ibu”…pasti….yakin..memang akan ada jodoh aku…cuma dimana, masih belum pasti…. I’m waiting ….. 23yrs old…none…….24 years old…..none……at last at 26 years old….he found me….my perfect man….perfect in terms of that he accept the big fat me, he accept every single little things on me…..the man who sees my weaknesses as his strength to carry on…..the man who said “the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair…. the beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart – the place where love resides.” At that time… I feel very beautiful…no more ugly duckling me….only beautiful Ismawarni….. I thank God every night since I found him… he came into my life when everything seemed so dark but he provided the light to find my way. I’ve never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of ours…. he has totally changed my outlook in life and I thank him for that. I never thought that someone could love me like he does, but guess what? I love him that much too. I feel as if I’m walking over clouds just thinking about him….. He make my life complete. I know people said that we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With him I wouldn’t mind being a fool for the rest of my life…. I know that others looking into our relationship might think that we’re saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don’t know how we feel about each other…. he told me that I’m the right one. I cannot tell how good that made me feels…. I am waiting for the days to make our dreams come true…. I’ll wait for him for a lifetime if Allah wants me to. Do you know why? Because he is the only one who sees me while I am invisible to others. …Today, I promise that I would do anything in my power to make him a great person, outstanding father and loving husband….. Till 19 Dec 2012 comes…please pray for our happiness…. Wani ♥ [♥] Anwar…..
Why do we deserve to win?
Its actually my parents deserve to win this free wedding photographers…my parents have worked so hard to raise me to who I am today and i want them to be able to relax and enjoy themselves. My parents had sacrificed a lot to me…paying for my master fees, which cost thousands of RM…. God blessed me with the most wonderful parents! Both of us are not from a rich family…plus, I’m still studying which make it hard for me to finance my wedding without monthly income….Everyone keeps telling us to have a small wedding to help with expenses but there is just no way when the both of us have huge families and not to mention tons of friends. We don’t want to leave anyone out of one of the most important days of our lives!
When I think to myself of why we “deserve” to win, its hard for me to think of anything else but our parents. Both sets of our parents have gone through so much to raise us and make us who we are today. This wedding picture would be more of a gift to them. Our parents are the ones who have had to take risks and suffer in an effort to provide their children with a good life. Lastly, having a wedding photographer is important to us because we want to be able to capture every aspect and moment that occurs. We realize that this day and opportunity only happens once. We want our wedding picture to bring back every single memory of our wedding day, from the taste of our cake to the last dance. We want to be able to remember every emotion, from seeing each other for the first time after Nikah to hugging our parents for their blessing….
lots of love from,"

Wani ♥ [♥] Anwar

ikhlas ni!

 sebarkan hadiah ni :)

Monday, 9 April 2012

thanks kerana membaca dan menyakiti hati sendiri

hhahahahha tergelak guling2 sy bila buka blog ni n tgk bersusun-susun komen dr anonymous di entri2 lpas n mnggunakan ayat2 yg  #$@%%^ (kasar)
adeh ada yg part dia cakap gf dia ikut event sylah jadi macm2.. haishh macam2.. kalo dia seorang bakal suami yg bgus.. xkan nk mnyalahkan org n maki hamun.. smua org ada pilihan di tgn msg2 .. gf is not ur wife yet... dont blame her lah.. anda mmpu bg apa dia nk now? so u teruskan..stiap org ada cita2 n impian..slagi blum sah bergelar suami isteri jgn la nk kongkong smua...

yg lain2 semua komen yg konon2 nk bg sy sakit hati.. tp sy senyum n balas " terima kasih membaca" wahh dia cakap sy huduh, buruk, teruk, tp rajin nya dia belek 1 persatu entri sy utk bg komen.. kalo sy tgk org tu teruk buruk nk buka n tatap muka dia pun xsnggup.. buat tmbah dosa..

jadi moral nya is.. time2 nk msuk maghrib ni.. bila ada ja anasir yg macam ni buat kat kita n try nk down kan kita cubalah positifkan minda.. tgk betapa dorang mnunjukkan kebodohan diri dgn post n mnganggu khidupan org lain macam tu.. elakkan ye, kita sbg mnusia jika mmbenci 1 org jgn lupa yg msih ada 1 org sdg membenci kita.. jika xnak org yg bnci kita buat bukan2 kat kita so xyah la buat bukan2 kat org yg kita benci... no no noo not good,, masuk tempat org n create drama tu adalah xbest n thumbs down... :p

semoga kalo nk post lagi komen2 tu makesure lah sy xtahu yg awak2 sdg stalk n masih mngambil berat ttg perjalanan hdup kita yg "dibenci" ni.. jd besarlah harapan semoga setiap yg mmbaca komen negatif msh mmpu berfikir yg waras n mpk betapa manusia2 sggup buat apa pun utk mnjatuhkn org lain .. nauzubillah...