Monday, 21 February 2011

im not pretty...sighh..

Beauty is painful…ouh izzit? hmmmm nope please.. dont!!!
Beauty is not what you think of yourself, but what others think of you…
hey dear ladies.. anda tahu sy sgt xyakin dgn diri sy... sy buruk sy pendek sy gemuk.. (ayat hari2 utk rasa puas hati) tp kan selalu la tya dri sndri mahu buat apa lagi kalau itu yg diberi Ilahi? cukup.. nti nak dikebumi kena jd diri sndri juga kan?
 im here not to beletiaq but help my sista out there to b confident with themself.:
  dear all my sista:
 Every single person on this earth is beautiful u know??Dont let anyone tell you different.psst2, they jeles lah tu.. ahaks!.. look.. il do makeup not botox nor injection.. hey mahu blaja makeup ok lorr saya ada buat class.. hahahha(marketing2) xpyh bazir duit cucuk sana cucuk sini..
Confidence is what makes a girl beautiful ok! ouh teringat this lady yg slalu lepak kt oldtown sambil pakai lipstick n tngkap gmbar sndri.. also dr rozmey yg rambutnya buat sy benci tapi!! mereka bijak.. kerana kita mngingati mereka ok? walaupun mgkin kita kurang suka,tp apa mreka kisah itu dri mereka.. masa susah kita kah yg nk mmberi sedekah? no aite?
so y nk down kan urself dgn ckap org! look! u cantik u lawa u jelita.... with ur own way! trust me.. hati itu bawa ke mata.. dari mata turun ke hati semula...
org akn nmpak if anda ikhlas n jujur.. jgn risau muka ada jerawat,badan naik berkilo-kilo.. anda tetap anda.
Don’t be fooled by outside beauty. The real beauty is on the inside...Feel the way you want to be seen.. wear you’re confidence. then u will b pretty!
i think attitude, knowledge and skills are the best foundation of real beauty....hhhhhmmm...what is beauty if the brain is empty? erkkk.. hehe
moral of da story: 
Don’t read beauty magazines they will only make you feel ugly..ahaksss!